Saturday, June 25, 2011

A few of my favorite things, part IV

Photo Bombing Tourists

I'm not going to have a photo for this one, but I'd like to take a moment to talk about one of my favorite things to do while running in my favorite city in the world--photo bombing photos of tourist, particularly large groups of tourists. If you've been to Rome, you'll recall the large groups of people, all wearing similar hats or the same type of shirt, following a tour guide with a flag sticking high in the air as if he/she were the guide equivalent to Mount Everest. These groups of people annoy me. They walk slowly and a large percentage of the time, the guide gets stuff wrong. Plus they all stop to take the typical photo of each famous place in the city. And so, as a runner, they often impede my progress as I try to make my way out and about on my daily run. I used to stop and let photos be taken but that is a process that does not end. Instead, I've discovered that it gives a perverse little thrill to think that when they go home and download their photos onto their computer, I'll be showing up as a blue-shirted blur racing through their image.

That makes me happy.

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